* RssCmdlet.cs
* Sample MSH Cmdlet that parses an RSS feed and makes it
* available as somewhat higher level data.. this could probably
* be done completely with XSLT although the intelligence that
* xcan understand different feed formats and make them all look
* the same might not be easy in XSLT.
* To use it:
* get/rssfeed http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rss
* get/rssitems http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rss
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml.XPath;
namespace Samples
/// This class simply makes the item node look nicer.
class RssFeedItem
XmlNode thisNode;
public RssFeedItem(XmlNode fromNode)
thisNode = fromNode;
string GetNodeString(string name)
// I'm doing this (obviously not the best way to do it) because
// doing thisNode.SelectSingleNode("title") wasn't working with
// Slashdot's RSS, which includes an xmlns element.. not sure
// why that matters. This is a sample anyway but if you want
// to use this code somewhere else, then fix this :)
foreach (XmlNode n in thisNode.ChildNodes)
if (n.Name == name)
return n.InnerText;
return null;
public string InnerXml
get {
return thisNode.InnerXml;
public string Title
get {
return GetNodeString("title");
public string Guid
get {
return GetNodeString("guid");
public string Link
get {
return GetNodeString("link");
public string PubDate
get {
return GetNodeString("pubDate");
public string Description
get {
return GetNodeString("description");
/// Code for accessing an RSS feed. I've tried it with a few
/// formats and it seems fairly robust. The key to making it
/// robust seems to be to not assume that the channel and item
/// nodes are in any particular location. The goal of this code
/// is to support not just any particular verssion of RSS, but
/// rather to support as many sites and formats as possible.
public class RssParse
public XmlDocument RssDoc;
public XmlNode ChannelNode;
public ArrayList Items;
public ArrayList ItemNodes;
/// Constructor, takes an RSS link and initializes the
/// class based on what that link contains. Expect an
/// exception if something goes wrong.
/// RSS link
public RssParse(string url)
/// Fetches the XML at the given URL and parses it, populating
/// RssDoc, ChannelNode, and Items.
/// RSS link
public bool InitFromUrl(string url)
// Create an HTTP request
HttpWebRequest webreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webreq.Timeout = 30*1000;
// Get the response
WebResponse resp = webreq.GetResponse();
// Create the XML doc we're going to hold the RSS data in
RssDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Load it (read the RSS and parse it).
// Create the array of item nodes - an item node
// exists for each - in the rss
Items = new ArrayList();
ItemNodes = new ArrayList();
// Scan two levels from the top looking for items
XmlNode rootNode = RssDoc.SelectSingleNode("/");
foreach (XmlNode node in rootNode.ChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode chNode in node.ChildNodes)
if (chNode.Name == "channel")
// Found the Channel node
ChannelNode = chNode;
if (chNode.Name == "item")
// Found an item
Items.Add(new RssFeedItem(chNode));
// For sites that have items as children of the Channel node
foreach (XmlNode chNode in ChannelNode.ChildNodes)
if (chNode.Name == "item")
// Found an item
Items.Add(new RssFeedItem(chNode));
// Cool.
return true;
// Site title accessor
public string Title
return NodeInnerText(ChannelNode, "title");
// Site link accessor
public string Link
return NodeInnerText(ChannelNode, "link");
// Site description accessor
public string Description
return NodeInnerText(ChannelNode, "description");
/// Helper function to return a string, or an empty string
// if the named node doesn't exist.
internal static string NodeInnerText(XmlNode node, string Name)
XmlNode childNode = node[Name];
if (childNode != null)
return (string)childNode.InnerText;
return "";
/// GetRssItems returns a list of items in an RSS feed
[CmdletDeclaration("get", "rssitems")]
public class GetRssItems : Cmdlet
[ParsingPromptString("Enter the RSS feed URL")]
public string Url;
public override void StartProcessing()
RssParse rp = new RssParse(Url);
public class RssFeedInfo
public string Title;
public string Description;
public string Link;
/// GetRssFeed returns the information on the feed (title, description)
[CmdletDeclaration("get", "rssfeed")]
public class GetRssFeed : Cmdlet
[ParsingPromptString("Enter the RSS feed URL")]
public string Url;
public override void StartProcessing()
RssParse rp = new RssParse(Url);
RssFeedInfo rfi = new RssFeedInfo();
rfi.Title = rp.Title;
rfi.Link = rp.Link;
rfi.Description = rp.Description;